Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday, January 12

Today was my last day at location a. It was pretty sad when I walked out of the front doors...being the chatterbox I am, I got to know each of the techs and the vets on a personal level. I knew little things about their families, their aspirations, and the oddities about their pets as well as how they came to acquire them. It's hard for me to break little bonds like that. I'm sure I'll be back though, as that will probably become my vet of choice from now on.

Well, Aphrodite (I'm not sure if I mentioned her in a previous post? I believe I did...she was a sick dog from last week) went home and was still doing very poorly. Her owners made the decision to euthanize so she came in today for euthanasia. The clinic was actually quite crazy with appointments today...some people came late and others came early and most were for Dr. S which made things quite hectic! We saw a couple of very sick animals - one very sick (and very old) cat and one very sick, relatively old dog. Both were treated and will be watched by the owners for any improvement in their condition which would indicate they still have some quality of life left in them yet. We also saw a cute little Shih Tzu puppy who came in for her last boosters I believe. She had a very attentive owner, which--while a bit time consuming--is quite refreshing for me to see. I love to see owners concerned about taking proper care of their pets. Another lady came in with two Devon Rexes, one white and one black. Those are pretty nifty cats so that was neat. All in all, there weren't many out-of-the-ordinary cases today (aside from the "quality of life" patients) but it was a good day.


  1. Too bad you had to say good-bye to clinic A. But it sounds like you had refreshing clients today.

  2. I definitely did. I think it was a nice, smooth way to end my shadowing at clinic A.
